Explanations of Obedience: Authoritarian Personality

  • Created by: rosannaaa
  • Created on: 05-05-18 11:06

Explanations of Obedience: Authoritarian Personality


  • SE - Elms and Milgram 1966 - ppts in Milgrams study who were highly obedient were significantly more authoritarian on F-Scale than disobedient ppts.
  • Altemeyer - reported ppts with authoritarian personality type who were ordered to give themselves shocks than those without the personality type.


  • Problems with questionnaire - F Scale could've produced response bias, where ppts respond in a similar way. The F Scale is just measuring the tendency to agree with everything (acquiescene bias)
  • Further problem with F-Scale - Political Bias - measures tendency towards extreme form of right wing ideology. Christine and Jahoda argued this is a politically biased interpretation of A.P. Not a comprehensive dispositional explanation that can account for obedience to authority across whole political spectrum.
  • Zimler et al - reported that 16 Nazi war criminals scored highly on 3 scales of F Scale but not all 9.



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