Evaluate the philosophical problems raised by the belief that God is omnipotent

This question or some similar regarding omnipotence is one that I strongly predict to come up as they has not yet been a direct question on omnipotence and it is about time!

I have used this layout as then you can tell if your argument is balanced and so you can evaluate what your clear conclusion must be. My table is not advantages and disadvantes but  PROBLEMS and SOLUTIONS :)


Evaluate the philosophical problems raised by the belief that God is omnipotent


  • It is not simple to just say that God is omnipotent without defining what is meant by omnipotent this is because various problems have been raised when discussing God's power. Can God sin? run and jump? Can he make a square circle?
  • The paradox of the stone can question God omnipotence. The basic argument is can God create a stone too heavy for him to lift? If he can, then he is not omnipotent, if he can't create it then he is also not omnipotent.
  • This can be known as logically impossible and there are three different views on God's power to the logically impossible and the main problem raised regarding omnipotence is the logically impossible
  • It is hard to understand an omnipotent God whom can do the logically impossible but this is the view that Descartes' agreed with, so subsequently he would say that God can make 2+2 = 5, many philosophers see this as not solving any problems that God's power raises as it leads us to assume God can sin. Aquinas argued against this on the basis that actions that are logically impossible are not actions at all, C.S Lewis furthered this belief.
  • Omnipotence implies that God could have created a perfect world, one without evil or natural disasters


  • 3 definitions of Gods omnipotence; 1 - God can do anything (including the logically impossible), 2 - God can do anything that is logically possible and 3 - God is 'almighty'
  • The version of omnipotence that God can do anything that is logically possible is more understood concept accepted by many philosophers. This would mean that God can do anything which does not violate God's nature or that is deemed logically impossible (square circle). Therefore, those initial philosophical problems raised by God's omnipotence are no longer a problem as God being able to sin or change the past are classed as logically impossible actions and so are not accounted for
  • Plantinga argued that an omnipotent being may not necessarily have omnipotence as a quality, but instead God has limited his power for free will
  • Further support comes from Anselm who agreed that the logically impossible does not come into God's power as to say that God can sin would display a lack of control and God cannot do that
  • Some might object that God's power is not a power to do everything but yet a power over everything and this is what is meant by the 3rd and final definition, God is almighty. Peter Geach argues this as instead of the problems raised by omnipotence, God has the power over everything as he is looking down at us
  • The argument of evil and omnipotence is one which Plantiga's response can argue due to God many have chosen to put a limit on his power for free will, others such as Hick would argue that evil is necessary for the vale of 'soul-making' and God's omnipotence is not involved is us becoming in the likeness of God


Although the view that Descartes upholds that God has the power to do anything without any kind of limitation may seem appealing in theory but does nothing to solve philosophical problems raised as there are still countless issues regarding God being able to sin, lie or change the past. However, regarding omnipotence with a different definition the solution to the philosophical issues are lesser a problem, for example if you define God's omnipotence as doing anything which is logically possible, as Aquinas did, then paradoxes such as the stone and God being able to make a square circle are no longer an issue. As a result, to what extent the problems of omnipotence are solves depends entirely on how you define omnipotence and if you believe God can violate the laws of nature but not the laws of logic then omnipotence is justified 


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