



  • People should be able to decide for themselves. Suicide is legal so why isn't euthanasia
  • Would allow people to die with dignity
  • Relatives would be spared the risk of watching their loved ones suffer a slow and painful death
  • Animals are not allowed to suffer; the same compassion should be shown to humans.


  • Only God gives life so only God should end lives
  • Goes against the commandment 'you shall not murder'
  • Helping the sick, disabled and old teaches compassion. Offers the chance to put Christian teachings to practice.
  • The old and disabled might feel that they should accept euthanasia to avoid being a burden to their family or society.


Most christians are against Euthanasia because of their beliefs.They believe that only God should give and take lives because every human is sacred. Some also believe that when a human suffers, it brings them closer to Christ as he suffered too. However, some other Christians believe that every life should have quality and every person should have the right to decide if that standard is too low  and the right to self-determination. God gave humans freedom to act and some believe people shouldn't be in severe pain towards death  


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