
  • Created by: cashj244
  • Created on: 02-06-17 12:39



  • Personal documents - High validity as their written for personal reasons
  • personal documents - cheap and save time but access may be a problem
  • Historical documents - one of the only ways of studying the past


  • Personal documents - not representative
  • Personal documents - left for the purpose of hindsight
  • personal documents - letters are written with audience in mind- personal bias
  • historical documents - words change over time, some documents could be lost or damaged - unrepresentative


Schools information is usually public so easy to access, they pose few ethical issues as they have been placed in the public domain. Personal documents may pose more ethical issues - teachers books, pupils books, school reports. Documents can be valid as they provide insight into meanings held by teachers and pupils. However age difference between researcher and pupil may cause a problem - researcher might interpret what pupil says differently. Legal documents school produces are likely to be representative. Can usually be easily repeated too. 


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