Consequences for people moving to North Norfolk

  • Created by: Drachel
  • Created on: 09-02-14 18:52

Consequences for people moving to North Norfolk


  • The increase of in-migrants has lead to an increase in demand for housing. Postiive: traditional flint cottages are attractive to people
  • Some in-migrants support local serives - local pub and local village stores (want to be accepted), however some villages had to change their character to provide the wealth of in-migrants - expensive, designer label shops (Gunn Hill clothing company) and Michelin starred restaurants
  • North Norfolk has a retiring population - all ages below 50 are much lower than UK average, lower child-bearing population mean less children
  • The older, retired population in villlages cause a change in the character of village life as facilties are changing to accomadate older generation - community halls for drives and yoga, rather than youth clubs and disco clubs


  • The increase in demand for housing has increased competition and caused house prices, thus local people are unable to afford the infalted house prices. Local people are also unhappy for the new housing on the coastline
  • As a result, local people have to travel outside the area for basic necessitites - 80% people more than 6km from a supermarket. This is made worse by communication links - winding, twisiting roads and inadequacy of bus services - makes shopping time-consuming and diffiult. It's easier fro in-migrants who have time and transport to go into local towns such as King's Lynn and Norwich, to do their weekly shopping
  • A retiring population mean a low number of young children, as a result several schools are closing down. Fewer families and young people settling in area. Ageing population put a strain on medical facilties. Positive: growth in age-realted services such as chiropodists

Overall summary

The main consequences for retirement migration to North Norfolk includes: Housing, shopping facilities, population structure and change in village character.


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