Classical vs. Modern Liberalism

  • Created by: Elena.S
  • Created on: 08-05-17 19:51

Classical vs. Modern Liberalism


  • P: still individualist; E: modern libs argue that changed socioeconomic circumstances forced application of liberal principles to appear different but minimal statism is still minimal once self-mastery is achieved with state help; E: benefits to overcome difficulties i.e disability, unemployment
  • P: market economy; E: both favour market economy that is free of as much statism as possible; E: no liberal attempt to overthrow capitalism


  • P: shift to collectivism; E: modern lib emphasises neutral state in giving a "helping hand", intervention in socioeconomic circumstances for indiv. rather than most amount of freedom possible (Smiles - "look not to parliament but to yourself"); E: taxes to fund welfare system

Overall comparison

More similar than not


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