Behaviourist theory +/-


Behaviourist theory +/-


  • good applications to reverse phobias through systematic desensitisation by Mary cover-jones w/ 'Little Peter' as well as explaining attachment
  • good replicability as the experiments were carried in laboratory conditions so high control of extraneous variables
  • was subjective - based on facts and logic meaning more credibility for psychology
  • deterministic approach as argues our behaviour is a result of previous conditioning e.g learn how to behave/ what is expected but don't choose to


  • lacks ecological validity as lab experiments meaning can't assume will be the same in real life
  • case studies of albert and peter - cant generalise to wider population as cant assume that they were 'normal' children and therefore may not behave the same way as everyone else - biased?
  • EXTRAPOLATION Skinner's rats - animal study assuming that humans will act the same so cant apply to humans as not same species/ biological structure/ different social norms so more applicable to animals.
  • doesn't consider biological and cognitive factors that depression could be caused by low levels of serotonin and that OCD is affected by high levels of brain activity in pre frontal cortex and memory problem solving thought processing


EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE; based on experiments e.g. Skinner's rats in box and lever for food/ electric shock AND Watson and Raynor's phobias learnt through classical conditioning w/ 'Little Albert'


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