Behavioural Approach Evaluation

Strenghts and Limitiations of the Behavioural Approach to Psychopathology:


  • all behaviour is learnt through association Operant and Classical Conditioning
  • the behavioural model only concentrates on behaviour
  • extension - Social Learning Theory - Observational Learning

Behavioural Approach Evaluation


  • Experimentally tested: the behavioural model allows clear predictions that can be tested and measured objectively (without bias), example, Classical and Operant Conditioning have and still are being scientifically tested a lab setting. Experimental studies such as Little Albert where a little boy was conditioned to fear his pet rat after it was associated with a loud bang behind him when he played with the rat, have shown how abnormal behaviour can be learnt, giving support to the model.
  • Focuses on the present not the past: the behavioural approach concentrates on the 'here and now' rather than rooting into the past (like the psychodynamic model) - this is an advantage since many people do not know the past causes of their abnormal behaviour and it is more important to sort out present issues. Also as the model recognises the importance of the current environment shaping our behaviour it can explain cultural differences in behaviour.


  • The behaviourist approach is a reductionist: explains all behaviours in terms of conditioning and reduces abnormal behaviour down to the most basic level, learning by association and reinforcement. Most abnormal behaviour is more complex than this and may have a cognitive element to it that the behavioural approach does not consider. The behavioural approach suggests that humans are simple mechanisms at the mercy of an environmental stimuli, this also ignores the impact that biology can have on our behaviour.
  • Counter Evidence: although the model lends itself to scientific proof, research has not always supported its claims, for example, conditioning theories for phobias cannot explain why many people are not able to identify something in their life which led to a traumatic conditioning, or recall any contact with the feared object.



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