Attraction of a celebrity:Parasocial relationships


Attraction of a celebrity:Parasocial relationships


  • Research has suggested that parasocial relationships are formed with more socially motivated people rather than those who are lonely. Schippa et al (2007) meta analysis found that loneliness was not a predictor of the formation of parasocial relationships. In fact, some research suggests that people who are more socially active and socially motivated are more likely to engage in parasocial relationships than those who are no (Sood and Rogers 2000).


  • However, research has found that there are negative effects of parasocial relationships such as the development of eating disorders.Maltby et al (2005) found evidence of a relationship between attitudes to celebrities and body image. Maltby investigated adolesents between the ages of 14 and 16, it was found adolescents who had a parasocial relationship with a celebrity who was slim with good body shape may lead to poor body image and may predispose them to eating disorders. This link was only applicable to female adolescents, no link was found for males which suggest gender differences in the link between parasocial relationship and eating disorders.
  • Another disadvantage to parasocial relationships is the possible link to low self-esteem. Derrick et al (2008) researched US undergraduates and found discrepancies between the ideal and actual self. Derrick found those with low self-esteem viewed their favourite celebrity as similar to their ideal selves, whereas those with high self-esteem viewed their favourite celebrity as similar to their actual self. In actual fact this research suggests parasocial relationship may help individuals to boost their self-esteem, however there are limitations to this research, the sample was biased as it only consisted of College students from America, this is unrepresentative and therefore should not be generalised.



