Asch Evaluation

  • Created by: hlouiset
  • Created on: 02-03-16 15:17

Asch Evaluation


  • Controlled environment - High control over variables - High internal validity
  • Repeatable - High reliability


  • Not generalisable - Only male students took part - Not generalisable to the rest of the population - Low population validity
  • Child of its time - Conformity levels would have generally been quite high because the study was conducted during the time of the cold war - Perrin and Spencer (1980) conducted a similar study finding that from 396 trials there was 1 conforming response, this suggests that the time of the original study did effect the results
  • Not realistic - It was artificial - Participants may have responded to demand characteristics as it was obvious they were part of a study - The groups were not like groups they would encounter in real life - Low ecological validity





not really, because when Asch's study was repeated it didn't yield the same results...

also the validity of his experiment doesn't reflect everyday problems which we go through... how often are we asked to measure the size of a lane...

expected better man