Arthur Holmwood (later Lord Godalming)




  • Courteous and friendly with Lucy's rejected suitors, Dr Seward and Quincey Morris.
  • His capital and finance provide critical support in the attempt to pursue Dracula across Europe.
  • Son a lord, representing Victorian upper-class gentleman.
  • Representative of the aristocracy and its values. Side of the righteous and offers his services for the common good.
  • Picture of English steadfastness in the face of adversity.

Development (Growth & change)

Other information              

  • Introduced as the man who succeeds in gaining Lucy's acceptance of a marriage proposal.
  • Initially distraught and helpless as he watches Lucy die.
  • Later able to undertake cleansing ritual to save Lucy's soul: "Tell me what I am to do and I shall not falter".
  • Becomes an active participant in the hunt for Dracula.
  • First to offer Lucy a blood transfusion: "I would give the last drop of blood in my body for her". Women's salvation.
  • The notes tell the reader Arthur was able to move on from the ordeal and is now "happily married".


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