Antisocial:Cognitive priming


Antisocial:Cognitive priming


  • The importance of cognitive priming was demonstrated in a study by Josephson (1987) where hockey players were deliberatly frustrated and then shown a violent or non violent film where an actor held a walkie talkie. In a subsequent hockey game the boys behaved more aggressively if they had seen the violent film and the referee in their game was holding a walkie talkie.


  • Josephson studied 396 boys aged 7-9. This study is gender biased as they only used boys. It is not only boys who are exposed to media, girls are too. So the target population is not properly represented.
  • Murray et al (2007) used FMRI to compare brain areas which were active when a sample of 8 children watched both violent and non violent TV programmes. In both conditions the visual motor regions were activated, however in the violent condition, the brain regions used to regulated emotions were activated and areas used to store long term memories. Implying the acts seen may be stored as aggressive scripts for later use. Supports Berkowitz.





Kognitiivinen aluke on implisiittisen muistin muoto, jo**a kohteet ja alkuluvut ovat sanoja tai kuvia. Tä**ä tutkimukse**a käytimme epäsosiaalisia sanoja alkulukuina ja mittasimme niiden vaikutusta siihen, miten ihmiset näkevät itsensä ja muut. Ihmiset rakastavat pelaamista koska he tietävät, että se on ainoa viihteen lähde nyt ja on myös suuri mahdollisuus voittaa suuri palkinto.