Additional Member System

Brief advantages and disadvantages of AMS

  • Created by: Robbie
  • Created on: 18-03-13 20:10

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  • Benefits smaller parties- Regional List makes more proportional
  • Bigger turnout- more people pleased by hybrid system
  • Coalition?


  • Wasted votes through FPTP
  • Tactical voting can still be done
  • Complex system- difficult for electorate to understand
  • Leads to split Parliament- 2/3 elected by FPTP and 1/3 elected by Regional List
  • Coalition?


Hybrid system, 2/3 FPTP and 1/3 Regional List. Two votes, one for a constituency and one for a region with a choice of party lists. Overall, it leads to a confused electorate and a split parliament before governing has even begun. However, the likelihood of a coalition being formed could be considered as a good thing as it will create a more representative government etc.Higher turnouts would help to create a more legitimate government and minorities will stand a greater chance of success... theoretically.   


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