World Order

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  • World Order
    • Polarity
      • Uni-polar
        • Post cold war- US went up Russia went down
      • Bi-Polar
        • Cold war
          • USSR
          • USA
      • Multi-Polar
        • current global order
        • emergence of BRIC countries
          • MINT as well
    • balance of power
      • Realists
        • key feature that decides outcome of war
      • Cold War
      • Post cold war
        • Held By USA
      • New world order
        • Bush SNR
        • US as world police officer
          • matter like
            • WMD
            • Human rights
            • Terrorism
    • types of power
      • Hard
        • Military force
        • Bush
        • Hearts and minds broken
        • Bribes and force
      • Soft
        • spread of culture
        • Co-operative power
        • Could link to further interdependance
      • Smart
        • Hard power backed up by soft power
        • Used by obama
        • Joseph Nye
    • shifts in world order
      • Cold war
        • established poles as a more predominant force
      • Age of empires
      • Peace of Westphalia
        • establishment of sovereign state
    • The USA and world order
      • Global hegemon
      • Super power


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