Working Poetry

  • Created by: victoria
  • Created on: 07-02-15 13:48
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  • Work Poetry
    • 'You will be hearing from us shortly'
      • Voice and Tone: Dramatic monologue, 2nd person addressing reader. Tone of arrogance, dismissing.
      • Form and structure: Free verse, mimic rhythm of actual conversation. Conversational asides in parenthesis. Structure going through criticising application.
      • Language and Imagery: (Stanza 5) Enjambment, not given chance to respond. (Stanza 3) Caesura, loaded pause- condescending language. Diction of job interview. (Stanza 6) pompous language masking insults/
      • U. A. Fanthorpe
    • 'Thoughts after Ruskin'
      • Subject: Satirical, epic, feminist poem. The hard working nature of women, men easy life, less stressful. Idealised  notion men have of women.
      • Attitude: Celebrates women, satirises men. Misconceptions.
      • Themes: Ignorance of men, Power of women, hard work of women, force of women, mother nature.
      • Voice an Tone: Tone = awe of women, hard working. Alliteration stresses capability of women. 'huge hands'. Syntax emphasis, strong echoing view of women.
      • Form and structure: Only 2 lines dedicated to men. Pluralising women, showing women as a force, mothernature and an army. Cyclical finish-> conforming to stereotype. Epic, heroism, parody. 11 beats.
      • Language and Imagery: Militant imagery- violent stressing strength of women. Personification of wombs, belittles men/ weak and powerless. Forceful and physical verbs- power of women.
      • Sound: Harsh consonance sounds stress the hard work of women, 'gutting' 'pickling'. Internal rhymes. Plosive alliteration 'blood' and 'soap'.
    • 'The Great Palaces of Versailles'
      • Subject: Memoir about grandmother. Black woman working in a white dress shop. Dreams of french aristocracy.
      • Attitude: Mocking selfishness of white people. Resentful and frustrated with racial divisions. White/ Black
      • Themes: Discrimination, class, colour, racial division, suppression. ***********/ Black suppression. Luxury/ greed/ wealth.
      • Voice and Tone: 3rd Person/ Direct Speech/ Voice = bitter, resentful, rebellious, intelligent. Fuses voice with that of her grandma.
      • Form and Structure: Free verse- freedom of throughs, her dreams, reality/ imagination. Captures movement of her thoughts. Cyclical -> ultimatly cannot rebel -> dangerous.
      • Language and Imagery: Mundane language: symbolic of Beulah's life. Imagery of french aristocracy, mocking white people and their luxury and greed. Imagery of french foreshadows the fall of ***********. Demure language exposing depict of white.
    • 'Working'
      • Child working in mines-> dies. Child exploitation.
      • Attitude: Lack of consideration towards children. 1 voice of sympathy, 1 voice uncaring.
      • Themes: Child exploitation/ Mining/ Life/ Death
      • Voice and Tone: 2nd person/ elegy/ present tense -> addressing her and giving her a voice. Recording her suffering. 2 Voices- 1= uncompassionate 2= sympathetic.
      • Form and Structure: Sonnet + 2 lines. -> tribute, most complex/ difficult all poet forms. 2 lines emphasise sacrifice and suffering.
      • Language and Imagery: Dark/ light = contrast, unfairness and exploitation. = 'white..light'. Para rhyme- troubled/ note od discordancy- sadness. She is light- paying tribute to her, sense of admiration. Death- gory violent lang 'skinned skull'
    • 'Money'
      • Subject: Protest poem/ left wing/ money corrupts. Deception of money/ all consuming, material greed/ addicting and destroying.
      • Attitude: Resentful/ bitter towards money. Society attracted to money. Blaming greed.
      • Themes: Greed/ obsession/ addiction/ destruction/ money, complex nature- venire of benevolence, complex.
      • Voice and Tone: 1st person/ poets own voice. 2nd stanza = collective 1st involve reader. 3rd stanza = 2nd person-> warning reader.  Tone of warning/ bitter. Pointing directly to us/ affects us all.
      • Form and Structure: 3 stanzas- gradual deterioration/ side into destruction. Change in tense, end in present tense- realisation horror can bring. End of poem- personal. Rhythm= flat/ prosaic devoid of beauty. Enjambment= inevitable descent.
      • Language and Imagery: Extended metaphor of ageing harpy/ prostitute. Death imagery/ destructive/ decay. Deception 'veils' money deceiving. Imperatives appeal to reader.
      • Sounds: Ugly sibilance ' screeching tear sheet' - shock and violence captured. Language of entrapment.
    • "The Chimney Sweeper'
      • Subject: Child working as chimney sweeper/ child exploitation/ dreams of eternal salvation/ eternal life.
      • Attitude: expose vulnerability and manipulation of children by scathing church. Dark hopeless but sympathetic.
      • Themes: Exploitation of children/ Church power/ Heaven/ Freedom/ Entrapment/ Dream/ Fantasy
      • Voice and Tone: 1st person -> voice of child show manipulation, create sympathy. Simplistic, voice fused with other child (tom). Voice of acceptance.
      • Form and structure: 4 lines - quitrents. Regularrhyme and rhythm- nursery rhyme- romantic poet, nursery soothing to child. Anticlimax - cyclical structure- cycle of poverty, literal entrapment as well as metaphorical. Present tense- how real it is to children.
      • Language and Imagery: Monosyllabic- simplicity of child's mind, accepting. Imagery of dark/light - claustrophobia, darkness = exploiting. Light= freedom and dreams. Heaven = paradise. Lamb = religious symbolism of sacrifice. Children sacrificed by greed of church.
      • Sound: Nursery rhyme: innocence, gullible, accepting.// para rhyme last stanza - shows deception, note of discordancy.


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