EPQ- intitial idea mind map

  • Created by: ridc
  • Created on: 20-10-16 13:57
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  • What are the ethical considerations of Non- Invasive Prenatal Testing with regards to Down's Syndrome?
    • What is NIPT?
      • It is possible to use NIPT to detect Down's Syndrome and also Edwards Syndrome, Patau Syndrome and Turner Syndrome. (1)
      • NIPT for Down's Syndrome works by analyzing DNA fragments that are specific to that particular chromosome.(1)
    • Facts and figures
      • How are mothers using this information?
      • In 2014 662 abortions were performed on babies who has Down's Syndrome. This is part of a 34% increase in abortions in the last 3 years. (3)
        • 'We are already concerned that 9 out of 10 babies with Down's syndrome are aborted'. (3)
          • How are mothers using this information?
      • NIPT= 99% Detection rate compared to previous tests which only had an 86% detection rate. (6)
    • What is Down's Syndrome
      • Down's Syndrome is a genetic condition that typically causes some level of learning difficulty and characteristic physical features. (2)
      • Babies with Down's Syndrome are likely to have: reduced muscle tone leading to floppiness,eyes that slant upwards and outwards, a small mouth with a protruding tongue, a flat back of the head and below average weight and length at birth. (2)
      • Down's Syndrome is a genetic condition which occurs due to an extra chromosome (chromosome 21). (4)
    • What do these statistics mean for the future of Down's Syndrome?
      • 'So what happens when almost everyone screens?'-  Iceland may be able to tell us. Over the last 5 years 100% of people have chosen to terminate for Down's Syndrome. (7)
      • Down's Syndrome people risk extinction at the hand of science, fear and ignorance. The Telegraph (8)
        • Ethical debate
          • Starting point: BBC 2 documentary- A World Without Down's Syndrome? (7)
          • Who should decide that people with Down's Syndrome are worth less?
          • Halldora who has Down's Syndrome from Iceland protests for her right to life. (7)
    • Ethical debate
      • Starting point: BBC 2 documentary- A World Without Down's Syndrome? (7)
      • Who should decide that people with Down's Syndrome are worth less?
      • Halldora who has Down's Syndrome from Iceland protests for her right to life. (7)
    • Define: 'Screen out'- 1.'To prevent something that is dangerous or unsuitable from coming in'. 2. 'To refuse to accept someone who is not suitable for something'. (5)
      • Question: What evidence is there to show that society thinks of Down's Syndrome in this way?
        • Information that mothers are given about Down's Syndrome upon diagnosis by NHS. (BBC 2 documentary suggests that this is an issue) (7)


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