Why Mussolini wanted Abyssinia

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  • why did Mussolini want Abyssinia?
    • Mussolini promised he would rebuild the Roman Empire
    • Britain and France had a lot of Africa in their empires and Mussolini felt Abyssinia was an easy target for invasion and thought Britain and France couldn't object as they had many African colonies themselves
    • thought the invasion would be easy as Italy already owned small borders around Abyssinia where he could build bases and launch attack from there
    • Would be good for Italian economy as it  was rich in resources and had good land for grazing animals
    • in 1896 Italy tried and failed to invade Abyssinia but were defeated so he wanted revenge
    • He was sure he could invade without the league taking action
      • dealt with the league in 1923 in the corfu crisis but the league failed to stop him and the failure of the league in the Manchurian crisis gave him confidence
    • convincedbritain and France couldn't stop him as in 1935 they signed the stresa font which agreed they would unite against hitler.
      • France was afraid hitler would invade so Mussolini knew they would do anything to have them as an ally


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