Why do sects and new religious movements grow

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  • Why do sects and NRMs grow?
    • Marginalisation
      • Minority groups at the edges of society lack power and economic resources and religion therefore supports them
        • Theodicy of disprivilege - Weber
      • Wilson: Certain life/societal circumstances may lead to marginalisation
        • War and disaster
        • Economic depression and collapse
      • Leads to increased membership of sects and WRM
    • Relative deprivation
      • Middle class - Wallis
        • Feel materially or spiritually deprived so join world affirming movements or cults to achieve personal fulfilment
      • Working class - Marx
        • Capitalism causes us to seek perfection due to consumer culture which cannot be truly achieved
          • Causes relative deprivation and this leads to higher rates of joining religious organisations
    • Social change - Wilson
      • Sects arise during trapid social change when the norms are disrupted because the universe of meaning changes
      • Security is sought. In religious organisations because they share. Norms
      • World accommodating movements, sects and denominationsrise


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