Growth of Religious Movements 2

  • Created by: Anjalee
  • Created on: 05-01-13 11:42
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  • Social Change
    • E.g. the industrial revolution in Britain led to the birth of Methodism. It offered a sense of community. Members were mainly the industrial working class.Wilson believes that rapid change  undermines established norms and values, creating anomie. Those who are most affected by the disruption may turn to a sect for a solution.
    • Bruce saw the growth of sects and cults as a response to social changes such as modernisation and secularisation. More recently, Bruce believes that people are less likely to hold strong commitments, making cults popular.
    • Growth of Religious Movements
      • Dynamics of Sects and NRMs
        • Denomination or death
          • Niebuhr argues that sects are W.R organisations which come into existance because of schisms. He argues that they are short lived.
            • The Second Generation lack the commitment of their parents.
            • The 'Protestant Ethic' Effect means that members who practice ascetism might be dissatisfied with giving up wealth
            • The death of a leader will either collapse or a more formal leadership will take over, transforming it into a denomination.
      • Stark and Bainbridge: The Sectarian Cycle:
        • 1. Schism: Deprived members schism 2.Initial fervour: Tension between sect and wider society. 3.Denomination: 'Protestant Ethic effect' and 2nd generation. 4.Establishment: Sect become world accepting  5.Further Schism: Members schism to find a new sect true to the original message.
      • Established Sects
        • Wilson argues that not all sects follow a pattern. It depends on how they answer the question: 'what shall we do to be saved.' Conversionist sects which aim to convert masses, are likely to grow into larger denominations. Adventist sects believe that to be saved they must separate themselves from the corrupt society.
        • Sects which have survived for generations are called established sects. Many have succeeded in socialising their children by keeping them away from society.
      • The New Age
        • Heelas:         Self Spirituality: New Agers look to themselves. Detraditionalisation: Rejects  spiritual authority such as priests/texts.
      • Postmodernity and the N.A
        • Drane suggests that the appeal is part of the shift towards a postmodern society. A key feature is a loss of faith in meta-narratives. E.g: science which results to people looking for the truth from within.


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