Volkswagen TNC case study

  • Created by: steloah1
  • Created on: 28-05-22 15:33
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  • Volkswagen case study
    • Spatial organisation
      • Base in Germany
      • Sao Paulo - Brazil in 1950
        • Untitled
      • Major employer in 27 countries
    • Production
    • Linkages
    • Trade and marketing patterns
    • 4 key facts
      • 20% of the market in W Europe
    • Environmental impacts
      • 2007- 390,000 trees planted in 'Think Blue' forests in Spain
      • VW Emissions scandal in 2015 - altered diesel engine emissions to show a lower level of nitrous oxide emissons
        • paind $4.7 bn to mitigating environmental projects
      • bioethanol duel derived from sugar cane in Brazil in 1980
        • Made sugarcane farming more profitable so tropical rainforests were devoted to sugarcane production


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