Urbanization in Delhi

Refers to AQA A2 Geography

World Cities Option

  • Created by: Bethany
  • Created on: 03-05-14 19:06
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  • Urbanization in Delhi
    • Urbanization
      • A high proportion of the world's population lives in large urban areas
        • INCREASING
          • 83 cities with more than 1 million in 1950. By 2000, there were 280 such cities, and the number is expected to have doubled by 2015.
            • Urbanization
              • A high proportion of the world's population lives in large urban areas
                • INCREASING
                  • 83 cities with more than 1 million in 1950. By 2000, there were 280 such cities, and the number is expected to have doubled by 2015.
                    • All the new millionaire cities, and 12 of the world's 15 largest cities, are in developing countries.
              • 19 megacities of 10 million people + existed in 2007
                • Tokyo is the largest, with a 2007 population of 35.2 million.
            • All the new millionaire cities, and 12 of the world's 15 largest cities, are in developing countries.
      • 19 megacities of 10 million people + existed in 2007
        • Tokyo is the largest, with a 2007 population of 35.2 million.
    • Delhi
      • Background
        • Dehli's 2001 population was over 13.7 million.
        • In 2001, the population increased by an additional 215,000 as a result of natural increase
          • Has made Delhi one of the fastest growing cities in the world
      • Causes of Growth
        • India's capital city, so the economic, political and administrative hub of the country, attracting migrants in all sectors.
        • Important light industrial centre, with 130,000 industrial units, prodcuing everything from TVs to medicines.
        • The fashion capital of India, with over 60% design community residing there.
        • Literacy rate of 81.8%, comparing favourably with the national rate of 66%
        • Many respected universities here - five medical schools and eight engineering collages
      • Problems?
        • 52% live in slum conditions
        • High infant mortality rate of 40 per 1000 live births, even higher in the slums at a shocking 54
        • Immunisation rates of only 31%, and because of poor sanitation and lack of safe drinking water in the slums, the rates of dieases are very high.
        • 31% of slum dwellers have no sanitation facilities or underground sewage systems.
        • Claims that Dehli has the world's worst air pollution - four times what the world health organisation considers safe
          • One in three of Delhi's residents has a respiratory problem as a result of this
        • The Yanuma is one of the worlds most polluted rivers - 58% of Dehli's waste is dumped there
          • Delhi contributes 3296 million litres per day of sewrage to the river
          • Problem aggravated as river is stagnant nine months of the year
      • Solutions?
        • The government has spent 500 million dollars trying to clean up the Yamuna river by repairing and rebuilding the sewage system
        • New towns such as Noida, 20km SE of Delhi, have helped to alleviate pressure on the capital
        • Delhi's new metro opened in December 2002, and has helped to relieve air pollution and traffic congestion.
        • The city's buses, taxis and autorickshaws have been converted to CNG for a cleaner alternative
        • The Salaam Baalak Trust is an NGO providing shelter, education and healthcare for street children
        • Another NGO, ASHA, aims to improve healthcare by empowering women


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