Unit 2 HSC Single PPT 2

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  • LAA PPT 2
    • Roles
      • Function / position a person has in their job / situation
      • EG: Diagnose, assess, support, operate, treat, refer
    • Responsibility
      • Duty's someone must complete and is accountable for
      • EG: Skills / knowledge up-to-date, promote health, ease difficulties, manage information, provide treatment
    • Social care Settings
      • Settings to help / support people who need practical or personal care, due to disability / illness
      • Care assistants
      • Care managers
      • Social workers
      • Youth workers
      • Support workers
      • Residential care settings
        • Cannot be cared for at home, fulltime / temporary, break for carers, social workers - personal care
      • Domiciliary Care
        • Social workers, care workers support independence EG: shopping / cleaning
      • Daycare Centres
        • Elderly / disabilities, respite care, social workers
    • Healthcare Settings
      • First port of call / deal with physical and mental health
      • Doctors (GPs)
      • Nurses
      • Midwives
      • Health assistants
      • Occupational therapists
      • GP surgeries / local health centres
        • First need medical advice, doctors diagnose, nurses - treatment / screening
      • Hospitals
        • Treatment GP can't give A&E / operations, specialsts
      • Clinics
        • Treated for specific medical conditions, GP referral, trained personnel
      • Home
        • Housebound / recovery, dying, homebirths


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