Unit 10

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    • Greenhouse Gasses
    • Changes in Earths Atmosphere
  • This means levels co2 are rising again in the atmosphere, and levels of 02 are dropping.
    • Burning fossil fuels, deforestation, etc is releasing co2 too fast.
  • Greenhouse Gasses: Carbon dioxide, methane and water vapour.
    • Effects of climate change: Rising sea levels, droughts, extreme weather events and changes in wildlife distribution
      • Human activities that increase carbon dioxide + methane levels: burning fossil fuels (CO2), Deforestation (CO2), Cows (CH4) and landfill (CH4)
        • Greenhouse gasses cause global warming. High temp  causes sea water to melt and rise, loss of habitats, flooding.
          • Carbon Footprint: The total amount of carbon dioxide + other greenhouse gasses emitted over the full life cycle of a product, service or event
            • Solutions to reduce carbon footprints: Use less fossil fuels, carbon capture + storage, eat less meat and send less food waste to landfill


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