Types of Conformity

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  • Types of Conformity (Kelman - 1958)
    • Compliance
      • Going along with others to gain or avoid their disapproval
      • What is compliance?
        • When exposed to the views or actions of the majority, individuals may make a social comparison, of what others say or do so they can adjust their actions to fit in with them
          • As it is desirable to go along with the majority, individuals often go along with them without questioning why there may be a difference in their point of view
            • This results in public compliance - where little or no private change in attitude
    • Internalisation
      • Going along with others because you have accepted their point of view because it is consistent with your own
      • When exposed to a group, individuals are encouraged to engage in a validation process, they examine their beliefs and the groups's to see who is right
        • Close examination may convince the individual that the group is right
          • This may result in the individual accepting the views both publicly and privately
    • Motivating Factors
      • If the primary motivation is to find the best way of responding to the situation, internalising the group's beliefs may be seen as the most crdible way of achieveing it.
      • If the motivation is to fit in with the rest of the group then thy may only comply rather than internalise a particular attitude
    • Future Behaviour
      • If the response was adopted through internalisation, then whenever the issue arises, it is likely to be performed whether they are with the group or not
      • If the response was due to compliance, the individual will perform this action again, if monitored by other group members


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