Tudor Government

  • Created by: connor
  • Created on: 10-12-12 19:05
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  • Tudor Government
    • Bonds and recognisances -These were contracts between the nobility and the crown in which the aristocracy promised to remain loyal to the king
    • Privy council-Inner cabinet consisting of the king's leading ministers
    • The privy chamber - This is the king's chamber at court where he was waited on by the gentlemen of the privy chamber. It  was here that political decisions were increasingly made.
    • Justices of the peace -Local commissioners entrusted with maintaining law and order in the localities
    • Council learned in the law - Established in 1495, and the aim of the council was to defend the king's position as a feudal landlord.
    • Royal Almoner - A royal official whose task it is to distribute the king's alms (charity)
    • Royal council - The king's main advisory body, made up of the most important political figures in the land
    • Court of the star chamber - A royal law court that could be used by the king's subjects to get justice.
    • Benefice - A clerical position
  • Council learned in the law - Established in 1495, and the aim of the council was to defend the king's position as a feudal landlord.


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