6.1 Traditional Holiday Resorts

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  • Traditional Holiday resorts
    • Seaside resorts
      • Popular with a new type of tourist - Workers (e.g from London)
      • The spread of the Railway network helped people from Urban areas access the seaside
      • Helped by: Bank holiday act (1871) and Annual paid holiday became more common
      • e.g Brighton
      • Professional class tended to stay in Hotels e.g The Grand
      • Less wealthy holidaymakers stayed in Guesthouses
      • Activities such as Punch and Judy and Pier were popular
    • Spa towns/ Inland resorts
      • Wealthy Tourists
      • Meical benefits of mineral waters e.g Heart disease and Eczema
      • e.g Bath
      • Railway helped make it accessible
        • Snowdon Mountain railway 1896 - Snowdonia landscape
    • Day excursions
      • Alternative: Many people of the Working Class had little time/money to take long holidays
      • Organised by local Church/ Chapel/Club
      • Travel by either Train or Charabanc
      • e.g Barry Island or a local beauty spot
    • Holidays abroad
      • Upper classes
      • 'Grand Tour' Throughout Europe for education
      • e.g Switzerland
      • Organised by tour companies e.g Thomas Cook


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