Elements of the Gothic: To what extent do you agree with the view that, in gothic writing, death is the punishment for sin?

  • Created by: Alessia
  • Created on: 16-04-13 23:04
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  • To what extent do you agree with the view that, in gothic writing, death is the punishment for sin?
    • However, The King Duncan was described as a noble leader and was loved by all of Scotland so in that way he did not deserve to die as well as Macduff’s family his wife and son were innocent people. 
    • AGREE
    • In Frankenstein victor dies yet not seemingly out of any violence however, could this be an example of how sin evokes death. The monster does not die yet Shelley does not give him a happy ending he disappears into the artic wilderness. Although the monster does sin, it seems that as a reader we believe that this is not his fault and we feel sympathy for the monster.
    • Lastly, Dr Faustus Dies after his 24 years of power from the devil although he becomes overwhelmed with fear remorse it seems that the punishment for his sins are death and nothing else. Yet the devil who is a sinner seems to have a power which he can give to Faustus and he also stays alive no matter that he has been banished to hell, he lived on.
    • In Macbeth it could be said that death is punishment for sin as Macbeth committed murder, an act against God and during the end of the play died in a brawl with Malcolm and MacDuff. And it is said that lady Macbeth committed suicide.
    • Heathcliff dies, he takes his own life which is a sin in itself


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