The Fall of McCarthyism

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  • The Fall of McCarthyism: Ultimately television
    • Many senators spoke up against him
    • Hollywood starts spoke up against McCarthy's actions
    • 1954: Turned attacks on army
      • Public proud of their Army: lost credibility and trust
      • By this time accusations seemed ridiculous
      • Now an alcoholic
      • Lawyer Joseph Welsh humiliated him at Army televised hearing
    • 1954: TV journalist Ed Murrow produced a programe which consisted of McCarthy's own statements
    • Surprisingly public opinion polls show McCarthy never achieved more then 50% popular approval rate (1950-1954)
    • Died in 1957
    • 1954: Senate charged McCarthy on 46 charges for abuse of his powers
      • Eventually censored on two (Senate didn't want to seem soft on communism)


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