The Cockroach

  • Created by: Ramy24
  • Created on: 28-04-14 17:31
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  • The Cockroach
    • Theme
      • A Cockroach
      • In this poem the persona has been watching a cockroach scatter around his kitchen and bonding with it and reflecting on his life
        • A Cockroach
    • Imagery
      • A Kitchen
      • All that is happening in this poem is in a kitchen. Most of the imagery is in how the cockroach is moving and descrbing how he is moving
        • A Kitchen
    • Tone
      • Negative
      • The poet has a negative tone the way he is describing the cockroaches movement and saying that the cockroach is lost and doesnt know where to go and at the end the poet says he finds himself in the cockroach.
    • Rhythm
      • This poem is a sonnet so it is composed of a octave and a sestet.
        • it has a A B A B C D C D E F G E F G rhyme scheme.




I feel like I would be just as good at describing what it would be like to be a cockroach, since I've read a lot about these little creatures. I was fascinated by Entomology and constantly read articles on PestQueen. By the way, this is a very cool resource where interesting and unique articles about different kinds of insects periodically appear. You can also find great tips here if you are tired of the presence of insects in your home.

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