The Fluid Mosaic Model

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  • The Fluid Mosaic Model
    • a phospholipid bilayer
      • phosphates
      • proteins
    • fluid because the membrane moves in a wave like pattern
      • but also because each molecule is also moving
        • IMAGINE:  someone throws tennis, football and plastic golf balls into a swimming pool. Each ball will be A) bobbing up and down and B) moving gently through the water!
    • mosaic because it is made up of many parts or "molecules"
  • Phospholipid Bilayer
    • head= hydrophillic
      • tail= hydrophobic
    • hydrophillic heads attracted to fluid
    • Proteins
      • intrinsic proteins
        • span the whole bilayer
        • some are CHANNEL proteins which let bigger molecules into the cell
      • extrinsic proteins
        • on one side of the bilayer
      • glycoproteins
        • sugar chain attached to a protein on the surface of the membrane
        • involved in cell recognition
          • useful in defence responces
      • glycolipids
        • a carbohydrate chain connects to one of the proteins on the surface.
          • this chain is used for cell recognition, typically with blood antigens, detecting a blood group.
      • cholesterol
        • creates stability in membrane
        • lipid like substance called a STEROID
        • TOO LITTLE= membrane moves too much, wouldn't stay together
        • TOO MUCH= substances would not be let into the cell
  • polar/ has a charge
  • non polar/has no charge
  • Untitled
  • forms another layer due to second fluid
  • Untitled


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