english lit - the governesses

  • Created by: immogeen
  • Created on: 15-10-15 10:23
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  • The role of the governesses
    • The governess is one of the most recognizable characters in mid-Victorian life/Literature
      • In the 1840s novelists began to include them in their fictions
    • They usually lived with their employer and paid a very small salary on top of their lodging
      • How were they regarded?- They didn't fit in anywhere. Often they were mistaken for a servant.
        • They were often isolated from the rest of society.
      • The only way they could leave their job is if they were to get married
      • They were employed by the upper class
    • In the novel Jayne Eyre marries her employer- unusual
      • Jayne Eyre marries Mr Rochester
    • What did the governesses do?- They taught the three 'rs' reading, writing and arithmetic to the young girls
      • The older girls would be taught global history, French conversation
        • They were expected to participate in key accomplishments such as art, playing the paino and dance


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