The Long Reformation: Reformed (views of Penny Roberts) I: The Reformed tradition

  • Created by: Alasdair
  • Created on: 17-05-18 13:13
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  • The Long Reformation: Reformed (views of Penny Roberts) I: The Reformed tradition
    • Huldrych Zwingli
      • 1483-1531
      • Developed his own challenge to the Church as principal pastor in Zurich
      • More radical and confrontational stance was to shape both German-speaking and francophone branches of the Reform
      • Zwingli and his followers won over municipal authorities and mass was officially abolished in Zurich in 1525
        • Due to:
          • Preaching and debate
          • Public acts of defiance
            • Eating meat during Lent
            • Advocating marriage of priests and destruction of images
    • As in Germany, evident political dividend to embracing Reformation
      • Coincided with movement for independence of Swiss cantons from authority of the Holy Roman Emperor
      • In case of Geneva, independence from authority of over lordship of bishop of Savoy
      • Not all cantons were won over to Reformed ideas
        • Including those who disliked Zwingli's opposition to hiring of Swiss mercenaries to fight in foreign wars on which several areas were economically dependent
        • According to Gordon: Zwingli would die in battle with Swiss Catholic cantons at Kappel in 1531
    • Influence of Luther's work on Zwingli and their conflict
      • Zwingli claims he reached these ideas independently
      • Zwingli freely acknowledges influence
      • Open and growing hostility between two camps in late 1520s
      • Many beliefs in common
      • Zwingli felt Luther had not gone far enough
        • In response, Zwingli developed more radical views on sacraments, iconoclasm and role of secular authority would would later influence Calvin.
      • Marburg in 1529
        • Meeting of Luther and Zwingli
        • No compromise could be reached over Eucharist
          • Despite best efforts of mediators like Strasbourg reformer Martin Bucer (1491-1551)
        • Agreement on several points
      • Damage of internal squabbles between Lutherans and Zwinglians did to Protestant movement was lesson not lost of successors in second generation of reform
        • John Calvin
          • Trained under Bucer, and Heinrich Bullinger
          • Signed agreement on divisive issue of Eucharist in 1549
          • Contribution would consolidate hold of Protestantism in many areas of Europe just as Catholicism reasserted its claim to supremacy


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