The Impact of the New Cold war, 1979-85

  • Created by: Lizz2002
  • Created on: 04-03-21 07:56
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  • The Impact of the New Cold War, 1979-85
    • Changes in Leadership in the West
      • 1979, Thatcher elected in Britain and 1980 Reagan elected in the USA
      • Reagan called the Soviets an "evil empire" and Thatcher was very opposed to communism
      • The Arms Race
        • Reagan poured money into developing new missiles and the Star Wars Programme
        • The USSR had no choice but to keep up despite being broke as Afghanistan had now become a proxy war
    • Poland
      • The USA made it clear they condemned the armed opposition to the solidarity movement in 1981
    • Why the New Cold War Continued:
      • The USA were clearly doing better and had no reason to work towards détente again




The Cold War ended in the new world order. The Soviet Union collapsed, and the United States became the sole remaining superpower. The United States had been engaged in a “Cold War” against the Soviet Union since the 1950s, but this conflict did not begin with the Truman Administration or even with World War II. Rather, it was an ongoing struggle between two opposing ideologies and their respective political systems for control of world affairs. Anyway, read to get different educational resources. The U.S. and USSR were in a new Cold War, with each trying to outdo the other in its military buildup. The Soviet Union had a huge lead in nuclear weapons, but the United States had more manpower, more money, and more technology.

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