  • Created by: dav09
  • Created on: 09-10-21 06:58
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  • The Heart
    • The heart and circulation have one primary purpose – to move substances around the body.
      • such as oxygen, carbon dioxide and digestive products are moved around the organism by diffusion.
    • Many complex organism have a circulatory system as they too bigger to rely on only diffusion. Circulation allows substances to be move  quickly /efficiently.
    • Open circulatory system
      • In insects and some other animal groups, blood circulates in large open spaces. A simple heart pumps blood out into cavities surrounding the animal’s organs. 
      • Substances can diffuse between the blood and cells. When the heart muscle relaxes, blood is drawn from the cavity back into the heart, through small valved openings along its length.
    • Closed circulatory system
      • Many animals, including all vertebrates, have a closed circulatory system in which the blood is enclosed within tubes
      • This generates higher blood pressures as the blood is forced along fairly narrow channels     instead of  flowing into large cavities. 
      • This means the blood travels faster and so the blood system is more efficient at delivering substances around the body
      • Animals with closed circulatory systems are generally larger in size, and often more active than those with open systems.
    • Single circulatory systems
      • Animals with a closed circulatory system have either single circulation or double circulation. Single circulation is found, for example, in fish
    • Double circulatory systems
      • This means that the blood flows through the heart twice for each complete circuit of the body. 
        • The heart gives the blood returning from the lungs an extra ‘boost’, which reduces the time it takes for the blood to circulate round the whole body.
      • This allows birds and mammals to have a high metabolic rate, because oxygen and food substances required for metabolic processes can be delivered more rapidly to cells.


davina 567


love it :)

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