The Great Gatsby (Critics)

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  • Great Gatsby (Critics)
    • Wealth
    • appearance and reality
      • Tony Tanner
        • "Beneath the shimmering surface of his life, he is hiding a secret longing that can never be fulfilled"
        • "captures both the disillusion of post war America"
        • "the moral failure of a society obsessed with wealth and status"
          • Wealth
        • "recreates the universal conflict between illusion and reality"
      • Professor Nicolas Tredell (From Green Light to Green World)
        • "The Valley of Ashes ... provides a quintessential image of environmental devastation"
        • "Some of the names are of animal predators and thus reinforce a view of non-human life as aggressive and ruthless"
    • Power and belonging
      • Lionel Trilling
        • "Gatsby divided between power and dream comes inevitability to stand for America itself"
    • Women
      • Lilla Grindlay (Always the Bridesmaid)
        • "we should admire [Jordan] because she doesn't need the adulation of a man to prop her up"
        • "It is as if their relationship has become a casualty of another storyline"
  • Richard Godden's Marxist approach
    • "inequality between characters due to wealth being an important part of their lives"
  • Tony Tanner
    • "Beneath the shimmering surface of his life, he is hiding a secret longing that can never be fulfilled"
    • "captures both the disillusion of post war America"
    • "the moral failure of a society obsessed with wealth and status"
      • "recreates the universal conflict between illusion and reality"
    • Frederick C. Millett
      • "referring to the problems of American wealth and spirituality on another"
    • Ben Norton
      • "most characters attach themselves to a cause or causes to give them purpose"
      • Power and belonging
        • Lionel Trilling
          • "Gatsby divided between power and dream comes inevitability to stand for America itself"
    • Bernard O'Keefe (Gatsby Revisited)
      • "Maybe it is Nick's attraction to Gatsby which makes him so keen for his readers to approve of him"
    • Professor Nicolas Tredell (From Green Light to Green World)
      • "The Valley of Ashes ... provides a quintessential image of environmental devastation"
      • "Some of the names are of animal predators and thus reinforce a view of non-human life as aggressive and ruthless"
    • Ian and Michelle McMechan (Gatsby's Women)
      • "In death, Myrtle is made to embody the ebbing vigour of the 1920s"
      • "Fitzgerald's portrayal of women is by no means straightforward"
      • Women
        • Lilla Grindlay (Always the Bridesmaid)
          • "we should admire [Jordan] because she doesn't need the adulation of a man to prop her up"
          • "It is as if their relationship has become a casualty of another storyline"
    • Claire Stocks (All Men are Created Equal)
      • "It is possible, then, that Nick identifies and admires Gatsby and wants to believe in the possibility of a man with little or no inheritance becoming wealthy and successful in America"
      • "for the elite to retain their exclusive position at the top of the hierarchy, those below them must also remain in their proper place"


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