The falsification principle

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  • The falsification principle
    • An inherent ability to present conditions in which a statement, hypothesis or theory can be proved false.
    • Karl Popper
      • Statements are scientific if our empirical experiences could potentially falsify them.
      • Any theory that is impossible to prove is no valid theory at all.
      • That which cannot be disproved is meaningless.
    • Anthony Flew
      • Applied to religious language
      • Religious language can't be falsified, tf meaningless.
      • When we say something is true, we're also denying the opposite.
        • "Tigers have stripes"= "tigers do not, not have stripes"
      • When you assert something, you are also asserting that there are facts that may count against your assertion.
    • John Wisdom- parable of the invisible gardener
      • Theists shift the goal post= "death by a thousand qualifications"
        • When you assert something, you are also asserting that there are facts that may count against your assertion.
    • R.M Hare
      • Blik's theory
        • Parable of the lunatic
          • A particular view may not be influenced by empirical evidence- may not be based on reason or fact.
        • Either have a sane (right) blik or a wrong (insane) blik.
  • John Hick
    • Religious beliefs based on reason. E.g. religious experience
    • If blik's are unverifiable we can't call them sane or insane. Therefore, inconsistency
  • Basil Mitchell
    • Parable of the Partisian
    • R.M Hare
      • Blik's theory
        • Parable of the lunatic
          • A particular view may not be influenced by empirical evidence- may not be based on reason or fact.
        • Either have a sane (right) blik or a wrong (insane) blik.


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