English Revolution

  • Created by: UrsyB
  • Created on: 11-03-19 20:41
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  • The English Revolution
    • Aims
      • Taxation had to be agreed by Parliament
      • Army controlled by Parliament
      • Only Parliament could dissolve Parliament
      • Parliament had to be called every 3 years
    • Key events
      • 1629 - 1640: Charles I ruled without Parliament
      • 1642 - 46: Civil War began
      • 1648 - 49: Second Civil War
      • January 1649: Charles I tried and executed
      • Cromwell ruled as Lord Protector until 1657
    • Causes
      • Charles was very high church
      • Archbishop Laud introduced an unpopular Prayer Book in 1637
      • Charles believed in the Divine Right of Kings
      • Charles was married to Catholic Henrietta Maria
    • Oliver Cromwell
      • Lord Protector
      • Freedom Fighter
        • First ever fully professional, paid army: New Model Army
        • Argued government was for the people
        • Promoted officers on merit not rank
      • Dictator
        • No cooperation over Ireland
        • Ethnic cleansing through murder of Catholics
        • Took power by force
    • Methods
      • Beheaded Charles I
      • Civil War
    • Key Individuals
      • Archbishop Laud
        • Charles' chief adviser, wanted Catholic reforms
      • John Pym
        • Popular puritan MP, led opposition to the Prayer Book and Laud
      • John Hampden
        • Leading Puritan MP, led opposition to Ship Money
      • Charles II
        • Crown restored in 1660


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