Text 15 - Hygiene Improvement Regulations

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  • Text 15 - Hygiene Improvement Regulations
    • Graphology
      • Numbering /lettering easy for reference
      • Subheadings for easy navigation
      • Structure of text reflects formality
    • Grammar
      • 7 sentences are not very conventional for other texts but legal document
      • Conventional use of grammar which reflects formality
    • Phonology
      • There are no phonological features since it is a legal document
    • Lexis
      • Some complicated lexis but also simple so still accessible
      • Lexis implies the reader has to have a specialism in the area
      • Lexical field of law 'court' 'offence' 'conicted'
    • Context of production and reception, Attitudes and Values
      • Modern document since we now understand how disease is spread
      • An attitude that quality is important
      • Value the customer
    • Purpose, Audience, Form
      • Law governing hygiene requirements
      • Shop or restaurant owners in the UK
      • Extract from 'food hygiene (England) Regulations 2006


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