Tackling the problems of Homesteading

  • Created by: Jxss.lx
  • Created on: 24-06-18 11:24
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  • Tackling the problems of Homesteading
    • Railroads
      • Settlers and farming
        • Travelling West, cheaper and quicker
        • Immigration from Europe
        • Towns grew rapidly
        • Farmers could transport grain
          • Sell to big cities
        • Settlers could buy from cities
      • Growth of cattle industry
        • Could transport cattle and meat
          • Sell at high prices in big cities
      • National
        • Connected West to East, increasing integration
        • Economic benefits
          • Increased trading
          • Opened trading between USA and Asia
    • New inventions and crops
      • 1854: Self-governing windmills
        • Changed direction with wind
          • Alleviate damage caused by strong wind
        • Piston was driven, pumping water from ground
          • Water
      • Dry farming
        • Farmers ploughed land after heavy rain
          • Layer of dust kept ground moist
            • Reduced risk of fires
      • Turkey Red Wheat
        • Crop brought over by Russian immigrants
        • Could withstand harsh climate
      • Barbed wire
        • Cheap & effective
        • Protected crops from wild animals
    • Timber Culture Act 1873
      • Correction to 1862 Homestead Act after failed homesteads
      • Trees planted acted as wind-break to protect crops
      • Provided building materials


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