Tabula Rasa

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  • Tabula Rasa
    • Descartes
      • We have innate knowledge of God, Trademark argument. Therefore our minds cannot be a tabula rasa.
    • Plato
      • Our souls used to live amongst the world of forms so we have certain innate knowledges, e.g. of Maths which he attempts to prove in the Meno, with Socrates proving that an uneducated slave boy does infact have innate knowledge of Pythagora's Theorem.
      • A form is a perfect idea of a thing which is how Plato thinks we get ideas of the perfect circle as there are no perfect circles in sense experience.
        • We could get the idea of a perfect circle from the Mathematical equation for a perfect circle.
    • Locke
      • Says that we do have a tabula rasa at birth, as any innate ideas would have to be universal and there are no universal ideas that everyone, including 'children and idiots', all know.
      • Says Descartes idea of God is wrong as if God was an innate concept everyone would have an idea of God, but there are many cultures without any idea of God so it cannot be right.
        • We have innate knowledge of God, Trademark argument. Therefore our minds cannot be a tabula rasa.
    • Kant
      • We have an innate concept of space and time, and these must be innate otherwise we would not be aware of things in space (for example), but we do need sense experience in order to trigger theese innate concepts.


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