Sweelink -Pavane

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  • Sweelink Pavane Lachrimae
    • MELODY
      • like vocal music
      • sequences
      • conjunct
      • occasional leaps
      • tear motif - falling fourths
      • trill - like
      • inverted tear motif
      • added notes in variation
      • melody and accomp
      • often 3-4 part
      • melody in top part
      • lots of dialogue/ exchange
      • imitation
      • emerging tonal system
      • false relations
      • tonal contrast of C maj      (B sec)
      • ambiguous key change @ every bar
      • possible keys
        • Am
        • C
        • aeolian
      • AA'BB'CC'
      • variation in repeats
      • regular 2/4 bar phrases
      • A = perf cad
      • B sec = NHT
      • handling of dissonance = not strong
      • phrygian imperfect cad
      • TDP @ A'/C'
      • final chords in A'/C' = added semi Q's
    • RHYTHM
      • 4/4
      • more movement in repeats
      • trill - like demisemi Q's
      • mild sync
      • fast runs - semi Q's


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