Storage and I/O Devices

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  • Storage and I/O Devices
    • Primary Storage
    • Magnetic Storage (HDD) stores data on platters. Heads on the platters read data as it spins around
      • Advantageous because it is cost-effective as it they have a high-capacity, yet are low cost, and can be used to store the OS and data, and to back up large amounts of data
    • Optical Disks come in varying formats: CD-ROM/DVD-ROM, CD-RW/DVD-RW and Blu-Ray
      • Light from lasers detect reflections from the surface of the data area of the surface; and in RW disks, you modify the surface by using a laser and burning pits to burn data. The colour difference is detected when it is red
    • RAM (Random Access Memory) is volatile, temporary memory where running programs are stored ready for used by the CPU
      • Primary Storage
        • Cache (Immediate Access Storage) is temporary storage near the CPU for recently/frequently used instructions
  • Secondary Storage


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