Stages of attachment

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  • Stages of Attachment
    • Asocial
      • 0-6 weeks
      • Infants respond to any kind of stimuli
      • No preference for anyone in particular
    • Indiscriminate
      • 6 weeks- 7 months
      • Infants show preference for humans
      • Don't tend to show separation/stranger anxiety
    • Discriminate
      • 7-9 months
      • Anxiety when separated from one particular individual
      • Mother in 65% cases
    • Multiple
      • 10+ months
      • Infants begin to attach to others
      • By 18m, majority of infants form multiple attachments
    • Evaluation
      • W: Schaffer&Emersons interviews of parents/observation of behaviour- social desirability to make themselves look like better parents. Out of date research- small working class families in Glasgow 1960's, lacks PV, unrepresentative sample
      • S: Study took place at home in natural environment. Behaviour similar to everyday- high in EV.


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