Social learning theory

  • Created by: debbieoxt
  • Created on: 16-05-18 16:51
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  • Social Learning Theory
    • Key feature 1 - Observation: Bandura believed that a key part of learning via the environment is observing the behaviour of others.
    • Key feature 2 - Imitation: this is the term used to describe when an individual observes a behaviour from a role model and copies it.
    • Key feature 3 - Modelling: we don't imitate everything we see everyone else do. Instead we decide to who to imitate based on several different considerationsonly imitating the most influential people (role model). If the individual then imitates that person's behaviour later, it is called 'modelling' the behaviour.
    • Key feature 4 - Vicarious reinforcement: this means the reinforcement the observer sees the model receiving. They do not receive the reinforcement or punishment themselves; they see someone else get it.
    • Social learning stages
      • Attention - Bandura argued that one of the required conditions for effective modelling was attention. This illustrates a clear cognitive element to his theory, and one that could result in behaviour being copied or not.
      • Retention - having focused on the modelled behaviour, the individual must then retain or store what they have attended to. Imagery and language assist in the process of retaining information.
      • Reproduction - the production of what has been observed. Factors include the physical capabilities of the individual. If the behaviour is beyond our capabilities then it cannot be reproduced.
      • Motivation - If a reward is offered then we are more likely to reproduce the behaviour. Intrinsic motivation - the doing of an activity where there might be satisfaction rather than some physical outcome. Extrinsic motivation - receiving something. Vicarious reinforcement - motivation that does not directly reward the individual themselves.


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