Social and Domestic Changes (Topic 1)

  • Created by: bintahall
  • Created on: 21-03-19 12:45
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  • Social and Domestic Changes
    • Liberalism in the 1960's: Many Americans were becoming more liberal and supported views such as, CR, Vietnam war, wanted the government to help poor Americans and some favoured experimentation (drugs, sex)
      • Johnson's presidency: Sympathised with CR's, wanted to create a Great Society. But he disagreed with entering the Vietnam war and counter-cultural movements
    • Counter-cultural movements: Some believe it to be feminist, anti-war activist and hippies, some believe it to be just hippies
      • Hippies: Rejected American society's emphasis on individualism, competitiveness and materialism. 1969 - Woodstock festival which 400,000 people attended. Mid-1970's the hippie movement had faded. Low impact
      • The Role of the media: Coverage of the protest movements and counterculture of the 1960's.
      • Reactions: Nixons's election - Americans lost patience with rioters and with a federal gov they thought was taxing them to give money to the undeserving  poor. Nixon appealed to those who opposed radicalism and change.
        • Anti-war protesters were against Nixons win. When he seemed to be extending the Vietnam war to Cambodia - 1970 - anti-war protests took place in many universities. Nixon faced pro-civil rights, pro-black panther and anti-capitalists protests. He decreased the number of protest by withdrawing troops from Vietnam and threatening to end federal scholarships and loans for student troublemakers


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