
  • Created by: h.chapple
  • Created on: 01-06-14 10:40
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  • Sikhism
    • The Gurdwara
      • The Gurdwara is a place where the Sikh holy book the Guru Granth Sahib Ji, is kept.
      • The Gurdwara is where the Sikhs worship together.
      • Outside the gurdwara there is usually a symbol to show what it is. The Sikh flag is called the Nishan Sahib.
      • The Gurdwara means 'The doorway of the Guru'.
      • No shoes are allowed in the main prayer hall and there are sinks for people to wash hands before worship.
      • There is a box of head coverings for non-khalsa Sikhs, cause people must cover their heads as a sign of respect.
      • Anyone is welcome to the Gurdwara as long as they have no traces of alcohol or tobacco
      • The sadhsagat (congregation) sit on the floor cross-legged. The feet must not point towards the Holy Book.
      • Women and men sit on opposite sides so they don't distract each other.
      • The Manji is a raised platform. The Golak is where worshippers place their money offerings.
      • Musicians play their instruments during the Kirtan.
    • 5 Ks. Symbolise that the Sikh who wears them has dedicated themselves to a life of devotion and submission to the Guru
      • KARA. The Kara is a charm bracelet; that is either made of iron or steel. It is usually silver in colour. The metal is a symbal of strength. It is a perfect circle, with no beginning or end, this symbolises that God is eternal and infinite.
      • KANGHA. Is a wooden comb, it is used to keep their hair clean and tidy.This symbolises a clean mind and body
      • KESH  - uncut hair. it is a symbol both of holiness and strength & a gift from God.
      • KACHHA - special underwear.This is a pair of breeches that must not come below the knee. This is a symbol of Chastity.
      • KIRPAN - a ceremonial sword. Symbolising - Spirituality, the defence of the good and the weak, the struggle against injustice


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