Stages of Attachment

  • Created by: rosannaaa
  • Created on: 10-05-18 19:57
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  • Aimed to investigate the formation of early attachments, the age they develop and emotional intensity
    • Schaffer's stages of attachment
      • FINDINGS - Between 25 and and 32 weeks of age, about 50% of babies showed signs of seperation anxiety towards a particular adult, usually mother (Specific attachment). Attachment tended to be most interactive and sensitive to infant signals and facial expressions. By 40 weeks 80% of babies had specific attachment.
      • 29% of children had secondary attachments within a month of forming a primary attachment. By age of 1 majority of infants had multiple.
  • Study involved 60 babies - 31 male, 29 female from Glasgow. Visited at home every month for first year and again at 18 months. Researchers asked mothers questions about the kind of protest their babies showed in 7 day seperations, to measure infants attachment.
  • Study led to the 4 stages of attachment
  • Stage 1 - Asocial - first few weeks, the baby is recognising and forming bonds with its carers. Baby's behaviour to human and non-human objects is similar, babies happier in presence of other humans.
  • Stage 2 - Indiscriminate- from 2 to 7 months babies display more observable social behaviour, preference for people not objects. Recognise and prefer familiar adults. Accept cuddles from anyone, no stranger or seperation anxiety, not different to any one person.
  • Stage 3 - specific - around 7 months display anxiety towards strangers, anxious when seperated from one particular adult. Formed specific attachment to primary caregiver. Offers most interaction.
  • Stage 4 - Babies extend this attachment to multiple people they spend a lot of time,


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