Romantic, Idealised Love - The Awakening

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  • Romantic, Idealised Love
    • Optimistic
      • "A certain light was beginning to dawn dimly within her"
      • "His face was suffused with a quiet glow
      • "eyes full of fire" VS "leaving a void and wilderness behind him"
      • "Roberts reproach... a quicker, fiercer, more overpowering love"
        • "A mist had been lifted from her eyes"
      • A QUOI BON DIRE - "one fine morning in a sunny will have smiled"
        • Optimism of a future tense
      • MEETING POINT - "the room one glow because time was away and she was here"
    • Youthful, Childish
      • "tottering, stumbling, clutching child"
      • "A new race of beings must have sprung up, leaving only you and me as past relics"
        • "You have slept precisely 100 years... left to guard your slumbers"
      • "recognised anew the symptoms of infatuation she had felt incipiently as a child"
      • [the once depressing gloom] "...seemed bracing and invigorating as she splashed through the streets"
      • AFTER THE LUNCH - "I am tempted to skip. You're a fool. I don't care."
        • internal battles of youth, inexperience and carelessness of youth
    • Trans-formative, blurring reality
      • Hypnotic Senses
        • The Sea
          • "A tangle of the sea... mingled with a heavy perfume"
          • "softness of sleep" "native element" "slow white serpents"
          • "contradictory impulses" of it being "tangled, chaotic" and "whispering, clamouring" "sensuous, enfolding"
          • MEETING POINT- "the bell was silent...a brazen calyx of no noise"
      • Secluded Settings
        • "Under the orange trees.. the western sky to flaming copper and gold"
        • "A small leafy corner, with a few green tables under the orange trees" "seated beside her in the little garden, as if a designing Providence had led him into her path"
        • shadows of "stealthy grotesque monsters" "misty spirit forms... phantom ships" VS "picking at the hem of her muslin gown"
        • MEETING POINT - "The camels crossed the miles of sand that stretched around the cups and plates; the desert was their own"
          • "Time was away and somewhere else"
      • "her thoughts were elsewhere, somewhere in advance of her body, and she was striving to overtake them"


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