Roger - Lord of the Flies

  • Created by: Harry
  • Created on: 25-04-18 18:33
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  • Roger
    • At first appears to be a subordinate character
    • Secretive and sinister
      • Explains why we think he is subordinate
        • At first appears to be a subordinate character
      • Bullying progresses into sadistic cruelty
        • All characters, even Jack are wary of him
      • Contributes to Piggy's death
        • Not a murderer as he lent on the stick which caused the boulder to fall.
          • he lent back with "delirious abandonment"
            • Not intentional, lets go off all rules, all conditioning.
              • Conch breaks through his carelessness
          • Not the boulder that killed Piggy, he fell of the cliff.
        • Accident or not?
      • "Sharpened a stick at both ends"
        • Puts pigs head on the stick, same for what they want to do with Ralph
          • Premeditated murder
    • Bully
      • Throws stones at Littleuns to intimidate them
      • Aware of rules of society
        • "Arm being conditioned by society prevents him going too far"
          • Knows he shouldn't throw stones
            • Throws stones at Littleuns to intimidate them
    • Symmetrical to Piggy
      • Makes Jacks leadership stronger through violence and fear.


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