Robber's Cave study

  • Created by: 11pyoung
  • Created on: 13-04-17 12:24
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  • Robber's Cave Study
    • Aim
      • To see whether will develop between 2 groups of similar people by outing them in competition with each other
    • Procedure
      • Field study was conducted at a summer camp using 22 white, middle class boys
        • PPts allocated to one of two groups
          • Neither group knew of the other's existence
      • Each group quickly developed their own set of rules and ideas about how to behave
        • Neither group knew of the other's existence
      • After 1 week each group was made aware of the other.
        • Led to members of each group using in-group and out-group terms
      • Competition between the groups was then introduced by setting up a tournament between them where prizes were given to the winners
        • Researchers manipulated the points so that they could control the competition
    • Results
      • Boys in each group showed a strong in-group preference
        • As soon as one group heard of the other group's existence feelings of competitive ness were expressed and a wish to challenged them
        • When prizes were awarded they were stolen by the losing team
    • Conclusion
      • Prejudice and discrimination are a consequence of competetion
    • Application
      • Reducing competition between groups will reduce prejuidce
        • A fairer society with a fairer distribution of wealth would be best
    • Evaluation
      • Experimental validity
        • Ppts were unaware that they were being observed as part of a study
          • More likely to behave normally
            • Increases experimental validity
      • Ecological validiy
        • Ppts were in a natural rather than artificial environment
      • Population validity
        • Ppts were all white, middle class American boys
          • Can't generalise findings to females, other classes or cultures
          • Small group of Ppts
            • Difficult to generalise to all American boys
      • Internal validity
        • Competition between groups was seen as the cause of prejudice
          • Cannot tell whether competition alone is the cause of prejudice as prejudice developed as soon as they knew of the existence of the other group
      • Reliability
        • As a field study it was not well controlled and did not have a standardised procedure
          • Not easy to replicate so the reliability of the findings cannot be fully tested


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